What’s Your Business in the Year of Transformation?

Rock stars don’t have a great reputation for education on the classics. But, as we face many challenges in 2021, Rockstar CMO Advisor, Jeff Clark looks to Cicero for inspiration, as he ponders what we as marketers and the organisations we work for can do to tackle them.

The Green Room – Marketing Education

Marketers come from diverse career backgrounds, we are not like accountants or lawyers that need a specific education, and on social media we have been seeing some pushback on this from folks like Mark Ritson, who as a marketing professor is pretty vocal about those of us that don’t have a marketing education. So, what do our Rockstar CMO’s think?

Getting a buzz from virtual events

As we shared on the podcast, Dennis Shiao is a virtual event veteran. Although he admits that in the past they have left him cold, he shares how a new breed of virtual events is giving him a taste of the IRL (in real life) high.