Mini Podcast Series

In this special podcast mini-series, Ian Truscott and author Liz High insight ninja, marketing strategist, speaker and author dive into her new book “Think Like a Brand, Not a Bank”.
Written with her co-author Allison Netzer, based on their experience of working with startup and growth FinTechs, banks and credit unions, they have developed five growth principles for thinking like a brand. In each episode, Ian and Liz discuss each of these five principles.

Liz High is an insight ninja, marketing strategist, speaker and author who has worked in virtually every industry on both the client and agency side, using data-driven insight to help shape content, campaigns and brand value. Her clients have included everyone from tech giants Microsoft, Dell and Amazon, to entertainment heavyweight HBO.
Her passion and consulting practice are now focused on supporting startup and growth FinTechs, banks and credit unions to innovate, embrace brand thinking, and tell resonant stories that drive growth – and with co-author and her co-author Allison Netzer, she’s written a book about it.

In Think like a Brand, Not a Bank, Allison Netzer and Liz High show banks and credit unions how to embrace their brand and reap the benefits. By introducing their five principles for growth, you’ll learn how to shift your mindset, apply each principle, and utilize branding strategies for sustainable growth. With data-rich insight and real-life examples, Think like a Brand, Not a Bank is a compelling look at how financial institutions can build value now and create a roadmap for the future.
All the episodes:

Think Like a Brand #1 – Intro and Drug of Choice
Our first dip into “Think Like a Brand not a Bank”, we get introduced to Liz and the five growth principles for thinking like a brand. [ Read More ]

Think Like a Brand #2 – Sometimes Do the Counter-Intuitive Thing
In our second dip into Liz’s book, we explore its first principle – Sometimes do the counter-intuitive thing. [ Read More ]

Think Like a Brand #3 – Embrace Tension and Create Contradictions
Liz and Ian take a third dip into Liz’s book and discuss it’s third principle – Embrace tension and create contradictions. [ Read More ]

Think Like a Brand #4 – Cue the remix
Liz and Ian “cue the remix” this week with a fourth dip into Liz’s book and discuss how to work with what you have. [ Read More ]

Think Like a Brand #5 – Product Ain’t What it Used to Be
Liz and Ian discuss value and values and how your product does not convey your values which are important to today’s consumers [ Read More ]
The Links
- Ian Truscott on LinkedIn and Twitter
- Liz High on LinkedIn and Twitter
- Liz High’s book – on the web: Think Like a Brand Not a Bank and on Twitter: @Brand_B4_Bank
- You can also buy it on Amazon
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