Dust off your marketing LPs, vinyl records, the eight tracks and maybe the gramophone because old-school brand building will be a tune the cool kids of modern marketing will need to be jumping to.
Category: Rockstar CMO Advisors
Blog posts from the Rockstar CMO Advisors
Beware the Martech Industrial Complex
Marketing leaders – Don’t fall under the influence from the Martech Industrial Complex! You know, the thousands of vendors that are eager to earn a share of your technology budget.
Sustainability vs. Growth: Can We Have Both?
Is sustainability the enemy of growth? Depending on your personal ethos, you may say, “Yes” or “Of course not.” To have both, the answer may lie in incentives. For businesses to achieve sustainability, policy makers can provide the incentives to enable businesses to be driven by innovation, reduce physical waste and run on clean energy.
116: The Winning in Change, Harry Morton on Podcasting and Personalisation over a Cocktail Episode
This week Ian Truscott and Jeff Clark discuss Winning During Changing Times, Harry Morton, CEO of Lower Street shares tips on commercial podcasting and Robert Rose talks about personalisation in our virtual bar.
Winning During Changing Times
We are living in changing times, with concerns about the global supply chain, pandemic, war and climate change. But, is there an opportunity to take advantage of the resulting transitioning markets? Jeff Clark explains.
115: The What the F is PLG with Jeff, Strategy Sprints with Simon Severino and a Cocktail of Data with Robert Episode
Jeff and Ian discuss a new acronym; PLG – Product Led Growth, Simon Severino of Strategy Sprints is our guest and Robert Rose discusses our dependency on data over a cocktail.
What the F’ is Product Led Growth (PLG)?
You may have heard that there is a new acronym kid on the tech product marketing block; Product Led Growth (PLG), but is this a hit or something only its mother will love?
109: The Challenger Brand with Jeff, 3 Marketing Thoughts with Ian and a Strategic Cocktail with Robert Episode
This week Jeff Clark discusses being a challenger brand with our host Ian Truscott, Ian then shares 3 marketing thoughts before joining Robert in the virtual bar for a chat about being strategic.
103: The Dream of Data with Steffen Hedebrandt, Branding with Jeff Clark and Making the Donuts over a Cocktail with Robert Rose Episode
This week we dive into Branding with Jeff Clark, Dreamdata CMO Steffen Hedebrandt is our guest and Robert Rose brings a thought about donuts to the Rockstar CMO virtual bar.
97: The We Need Education, We Don’t Need No Top 10’s and Catfishing for a Cocktail Episode
Jeff discusses marketing education, Ian has a thought about top 10 posts and Robert has a warning about catfish
82: The Jeff is Corporately Responsible and a Trip to Amsterdam to Discuss CMO and Tech Episode
After suggesting in last week’s show that we might take a week off, but we’ve […]
80: The Sustainable Jeff, Christina on T for Tech and Robert’s Big Picture Cocktail Episode
This week Jeff Clark, Rockstar CMO Advisor, and former SiriusDecisions/Forrester research director crosses the streams […]