your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge


MAY 2020

Here at the Rockstar CMO penthouse, we are in lockdown for the sixth week and we hope you and yours are well and are staying safe and sane.

I know there are many classic albums that tip their hat to our locked up predicament. Maybe Bob Dylan and “Bringing It All Home”, or maybe Elvis and “Jailhouse Rock”, depending on how you are holding up with juggling your job, Youtube pilates, and homeschooling.

But no, as I write this it’s raining in London and I’ve gone for something sunnier with Welcome to Jamrock by Damian ‘Jr Kong’ Marley. The opening line of the track ‘Welcome to Jamrock’ resonates with those in lockdown “Out in the streets, they call it murder”, but I’ve really chosen it for the more optimistic track “We’re Gonna Make It”:

‘Cause I, I, I know we’re gonna make it, it’s not too late, sister love
Rasta children gonna make it, yeah
Yes, I know we’re gonna make it, it’s not too late, brother man
Rasta Pickney gonna make it

Damian ‘Jr Kong’ Marley

And that’s the tone I thought we’d adopt for this issue. The virus will be with us for some time, and we need to figure out how we as marketers operate in a world with it and how we are ‘gonna make it’ for the brands, services, products, and people we represent.

From lockdown, our band of Rasta Pickneys have served up a fantastic bumper issue for you this month, with some keen observations of what the post-corona world will be for marketers and advice on what to do today.

Welcome to THE WELCOME TO JAMROCK issue.



Ian Truscott / Founding editor / @iantruscott

PS: We also switched hosting companies this month, hopefully, you will notice us dancing a little faster this month 🙂

Mankind is gonna make it
Womankind is gonna make it
Human beings are gonna make it
You and me, we’re gonna make it
I know we’ll make it, I know we’ll make it

We’re Gonna Make It – Damian ‘Jr Kong’ Marley

Tales from the Tour Bus: Jessie Paul, CEO Paul Writer

Ian Truscott catches up with Jessie Paul, CEO of Paul Writer, an Indian based B2B agency and they chat about her experience as a CMO of some of the biggest organizations in India, the current crisis and what she’d thrown into the Rockstar CMO Swimming Pool.
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The Green Room: Marketing in the “new normal”

Commentators are calling whatever we emerge from lockdown the “new normal” as a world we try and live with an immediate future of COVID-19. So, in this Green Room we turned to our Rockstar CMOs for advice on marketing in this changed world.
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What now? It’s not what’s next

Chief Trouble Maker at the Content Advisory, Robert Rose, quotes Shaun of the Dead as he offers some guidance for marketers toward their slice of fried gold.
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Time to hit the reset button

We asked Ted Rubin, our resident Rockstar CMO, “What does the post Coronavirus new normal mean for you, your organization, and marketing in general?” and as usual we got more than we bargained for, with this fantastic, straight-up advice. It’s time to hit reset.
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Don’t be afraid to dance to this new tune

Deep in lock down, our resident business development rock star Keith Smith, offers us a pep talk. Although personally difficult, the role of sales and marketing is to bring change and to get the crowd to dance to a different tune. Well, a new tune has dropped, time to get on the dance floor.
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The acceleration of retail change

According to our resident retail expert, John Andrews, the sector was reacting to change like a frog slowly cooking in a pot, then comes Covid-19 and the heat has been cranked up. How should retailers react?
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Managing the shift from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to FOGO (Fear of Going Out)

In this article Jane Scandurra, global marketing consultant and coach, suggests a path of sensitivity and empathy for addressing consumers whose behaviour may have been irrevocably changed by the current crisis.
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Getting a buzz from virtual events

As we shared on the podcast, Dennis Shiao is a virtual event veteran. Although he admits that in the past they have left him cold, he shares how a new breed of virtual events is giving him a taste of the IRL (in real life) high.
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How to stand out with a positive voice

Carmine Mastropierro, returns with some advice on how to stand out as the voice of positivity that your audience is looking for. Positive messaging is always important, but particularly so during the current pandemic, when it can bring relief in uncertain times.
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Backstage with John Howe-Marshall

Gamers are emerging as the new celebrities of a new media age, and the popularity of this entertainment genre has been accelerated by the lockdown. So, who better to catch up with than the Chief Marketing Officer of SplitmediaLabs a platform on the leading edge of enabling gamers to get published? Ian Truscott chats with John Howe-Marshall.
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3 questions for success in the Post-COVID-19 world

In this article, Jasmine Martirossian VP of Marketing at TÜV SÜD Americas shares with us three critical questions that will help us navigate to success Post-COVID-19.
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The Swimming Pool #24: Alec Baldwin

I know, right? Alec Baldwin? Well, we have Keith Smith, MD of The Advertist to thank for this one from our conversation on the podcast. We should explain..
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adnonamau5: The death of the Creative Officer (it’s been too schlong)

Our anonymous big agency insider is back this month, sneaking this out to the Rockstar CMO penthouse, while presumably, the creative team was sleeping off a long, self-congratulatory lunch…
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Out in the streets, they call it murder

Welcome to Jamrock – Damian ‘Jr Kong’ Marley

Also this month on Rockstar CMO FM

Ready to rock?

Fancy a chat about this? Or maybe we can help with our advisory services or get in touch!


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