your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge

The theme that has got the house band jamming this month is diversity in marketing. You might read this as a reaction to the mood music of today’s politics, but what you’ll find in this issue is a positive embrace of the opportunity to marketers, to be inclusive and engage our increasingly diverse audiences, regardless of what you take to market.
How do you bring diversity to our marketing? How do you build diverse teams, encourage a diversity of ideas and address an increasingly diverse audience?
We’ve debated in the penthouse whether Depeche Mode’s “People are People” counts as a classic album, as it was a limited compilation release in the US and the song of the same name originally appeared on their album “Some Great Reward”, but looking at the theme of this month, there is no debate on whether “People are People” is the right track to drop as the title – but as you’ll read, there is “some great reward” in getting this right.
So, welcome to The People Are People Issue.
So we’re different colours
Depeche Mode – People are People
And we’re different creeds
And different people have different needs
Tales from the Tour Bus: Sydni Craig-Hart
Diversity Marketing: Opportunistic Coat-tail Riding or a Force for Change?
Want a fresh marketing sound? Look outside…
The Green Room: Diving into Diversity
Want diverse ideas? Time to fix brainstorming
Ready to rock?
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