your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge


December 2020

The timing of this month’s issue puts it just after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and in the midst of a debate in the UK that in this crazy locked down 2020, we should put up our Christmas holiday decorations now.

Both holidays are about giving thanks and bringing people together, and we are all missing that, plus, the US has just concluded a divisive election. So, the track that we’ve been dropping in the Rockstar CMO penthouse is “Come Together” originally by the Beatles, but, at the risk of annoying the purists, it’s the Marcus Miller cover that we recommend you crank up to 11.

Yeah, we know, we are supposed to name our issues after classic albums, but it’s a classic track, that says something to us right now, so welcome to THE COME TOGETHER ISSUE.


Ian Truscott

Editor, Rockstar CMO

@iantruscott | @rockstarcmo

The Green Room: Giving Thanks & Holiday Gifts

It’s been a crazy year, find out what our rocks star CMOs have found to be thankful for and what gifts of advice they would share with us, as we join them in the Green Room…
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Be like Phil; you can’t hurry B2B love

As we give thanks in this holiday issue, Dennis Shiao shares a B2B customer experience lesson he’s learned from Phil. No, not Phil Collins, but a roofer called Phil…
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Ain’t bringing nothing to the table but your plate

It’s unlikely that rapper Meghan Thee Stallion and personal branding Jane Scandurra have been seen in the same room, but Jane’s thoughts of thanks have inspired Ian Truscott to share something inspired by Hot Girl Meg…
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Reasons to be thankful, 1,2,3 (and 4)

Our regular business development headline act, Keith Smith, takes a moment from the hustle to give thanks. The title inspired by the late great Ian Dury and his track “Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 3″…
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Love the one you’re with

Inspired by a chat with Simon Daniels, marketing operations expert, Ian Truscott shares that you should love the one you’re with when it comes to marketing technology…
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Go on, crank it up…

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