your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
MARCH 2020
In this special issue, in celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we’ve put together a compilation of some fabulous articles and interviews featuring the women that have made the last 22 issues rock.
The title of this issue is from the 1980 album by Hazel O’Connor, from the British film of the same name, that charts the battle of a young female singer wanting to be a rockstar.
You may not have heard of Hazel O’Connor, but when she toured the UK to promote the album, the opening act was a then-unknown group called Duran Duran. It was the band’s first opportunity to play to large audiences throughout the UK and gave them the exposure they needed to secure a recording contract. Let’s hope on #IWD those boys are remembering this woman’s role in their career.
Not only is this special remix issue a tribute to the women that we have interviewed or that contribute their thought leadership to our little publication, but I also want to thank Sandra Vogel, a wonderful editor who has helped me with many of the recent issues and Lucy Campbell-Woodward who was there at the beginning and helped us get this band together.
I love the sound of breaking glass
Deep into the night
I love the work on it can do
Nick Lowe

I don’t listen to 80% of the crap that other marketers on the internet tell me I have to do. It is great to learn and try out things, but use the processes that work best for your company.
Amber Osborne
Of the backstage interviews that we’ve done over the last two years, half have been with leading women marketers and it’s quite a roll call.’s not about functional expertise. It’s about the ability to understand, motivate and influence people.
Margaret Molloy
Here’s a pick from our regular writers that were gifted with the multitasking-directions-asking-feel-no-pain-it’s-just-a-bloody-cold chromosome and a great interview with a leading woman in tech, sharing her top priorities for marketing.
Tips for Content Marketers (with a little help from the Beatles)
Who are you?
“Wait…What’s in it for ME?”
Taking a good look at people can stop B2B = Boring 2 Boring
Drop the Vanity, it’s Time for Action, Not Eyeballs
In a noisy, distracted world, those who know how to EARN the attention and trust of their most important stakeholders by delivering consistent value, WIN BIG.
Jane Scandurra
The Tour Bus
It’s not just the Rockstar CMO’s and writers that have got our audience grooving to girl power, two of our favorite interviews last year were in our Tales from the Tour Bus series, talking to two agency owners and entrepreneurs.
Tales from the Tour Bus: Sydni Craig-Hart
Tales from the Tour Bus: Janice B. Gordon
…your audience is not homogeneous. In fact, your audience has never been more diverse. If you ignore the diversity of your target market and don’t have an inclusive approach to your campaign design process, you’re guaranteed to develop tone-deaf content that helps no-one
Sydni Craig-Hart
Check out The International Women’s Day website and find out what you can do to celebrate the achievements of women and help forge a gender-equal world.

Know what? Bitches get things done
Tina Fey
Ready to rock?
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