Rockstar CMO FM, the M is for marketing, the F is for, well you decide as you are probably wondering; does the world need another f’in’ marketing podcast? Well here is a roundup of what went down on The Rockstar CMO F’in’ Marketing Podcast this month.

Another splendid guest list this month, as I chat to our wonderful Rockstar CMO community, share conversations with people I like and use it as an excuse to meet new people. Here are some highlights from last month as we rounded off 2020.
Christine Bailey – Customer Insight Strategies

Last month we ran a 4 part series discussing Christine Bailey‘s book Customer Insight Strategies – How to Understand Your Audience and Create Remarkable Marketing
We started in Episode 38 chatting about what motivated the book and it’s premise, then stepped through how insights can be applied to marketing from planning to creating advocates and by episode 41 we discussed putting into action and marketing technology.
Here is what Ted Rubin said about the book:
… Most look at this as a strictly data analysis function, but Christine understands the human approach and the importance of being authentic, understanding the customer on a more personal level than simply as data points….
Ted Rubin, CMO Photofy

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Ted Rubin
Speaking of Ted, our resident straight-talking Rockstar CMO joined us in episode 42. We discussed his marketing journey, from the inspiration of working with Seth Godin, the lessons his father taught him, his Return on Relationships philosophy and looking people in the eye digitally.
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Lot of chit chat but some real truths as well. 👍
Irene Nehrkorn-Kayn, Director Marketing bei
Jeff Clark

Delighted to have Jeff Clark former Principal Analyst for Marketing Operations at Forrester SiriusDecisions join us for episode 40. We chatted about the role of the CMO, how to become more strategic and Jeff suggests an excellent candidate for the Rockstar CMO Swimming Pool.
He stuck around as part of the band at Rockstar CMO Advisors and in episode 43, we kicked off a new series with him, discussing marketing trends, hype and techniques called “One hit wonder or wonderwall?”
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Finally we retire to the Rockstar CMO Virtual Bar…

Robert Rose, Chief Troublemaker at The Content Advisory, author, speaker and content marketing guru has generously helped us through lockdown by propping up our virtual Rockstar CMO bar and dispensing marketing advise over a cocktail since episode 9.
Each week Robert suggest a cocktail we should try, a place we should visit to drink it (as we live vicariously through his travels in lockdown) and one marketing thought.
To kick off the month, in episode 39, Robert shared with us his experience and insight into the career of content marketers. Specifically how do we define the discipline and the path to the top marketing job of CMO.
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Thanks to these guys and all my guests this month and of course if you are a listener thank you for putting a dime into your podcasting jukebox, selecting our track and jiving along with us.
If you have thoughts or comments on the podcast, a topic we should cover, a guest to recommend, then please let me know. We are on Twitter, LinkedIn, all good podcasting platforms or just get in touch I would love to hear from you.
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