marketing opinion uncut
March 2018
1..2… 1..2… Hello Cleveland!
We are live with our first issue,”SOUNDCHECK”. Consider this a preview date, a sneak peek of our act, while we tune up before the stadium tour.
Our gig is that once a month we will share big marketing opinions and ideas undiluted with bullshit business speak, creating and sharing stuff that people really give a crap about and hand the mic to the cool kids. (Find out more in the sleeve notes).
Along the way we want to inspire and support the next generation CMO, with sage advice from the future-looking shamans of this industry.
In this issue, in addition to some in-depth articles from our wicked smart editorial team, those cool kids include Ted Rubin, Robert Rose, Darren Guarnaccia and Ian Truscott.
“There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses” – Elwood – Blues Brothers
Beware the Risks of Arrogance and Pride in Business
Backstage with Robert Rose
Closing Time: 18 Major Retailers that Likely Won’t Exist in 10 Years
Why the Future of Retail is Not About the US
Authenticity Matters: Why Real Honesty and Genuine Opinions Make for Better Content
Ready to rock?
Fancy a chat about this? Or maybe we can help with our advisory services or get in touch!
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