The Green Room: Sticking to a Tune in a World of Jazz

Each month in the Green Room we return backstage to pose a question to a group of our Rockstar CMOs. In this issue, Ian Truscott catches up with seven of them to talk about how to stay focused on a marketing strategy, when it’s so easy to be distracted by channels, tech and tactics.

Into the Pool #17: Banner Ads

In this issue, barely noticed and infrequently engaged with, is it time to put banner ads out of their lonely misery? Jasmine Martirossian, VP of Marketing at TÜV SÜD America certainly thinks so..

Tales from the Tour Bus: Dennis Shiao

Known by his Twitter fans for his passion for content marketing, expressed in his work and regular columns for CMSWire and The Content Marketing Institute, we hop on the tour bus with Dennis Shaio.

Backstage with Lynne Capozzi

Lynne Capozzi is the CMO of Acquia, a global marketing technology vendor. Ian Truscott sits down with this passionate marketer and finds out what get’s her marketing mojo working

Tales from the Tour Bus: Richard Shotton

This issue we hop on the tour bus with the author of one of our favorite recent marketing reads, Richard Shotton, the writer of The Choice Factory, a best-selling book on using behavioral science in marketing. We find out what inspired this former media planner to write and set up his own consultancy.