your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
September 2020

2020 has been a bit of a blur, many people talk about how lockdown has changed their routine to the point they are unsure what day, week, or month it is, and our work and home lives have become blurred. Do we work from home, or are we now doing home at work?
And that’s the theme for this month, those blurry lines.
Maybe we can’t help you know what day of the week it is, after all, we’ve slid the date of this issue out by a week. But, you can trust our wonderful community of senior marketers to have lots of advice for dealing with the blurry lines, between work, home, and specifically what it means in social media as we blend our personal and professional passions.
With a theme like that, the classic album chooses itself, the 1997 album Blur by The Blur, the British Britpop act, and for a change I might have picked something that others will agree is a classic, NME once ranked it at number 137 in its list of Greatest Albums of All Time.
Welcome to THE BLUR ISSUE!
Ian Truscott | Founding Editor | @iantruscott
Backstage Q&A – Eric Jan van Putten – Dynamicweb
Nothing blurry when you walk the talk
Authenticity is key when blurring the line between personal and the organizations brand
The Green Room: A bit of a blur
Who decided the lines?
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