your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
The internal and external collaborations that enable Rockstar CMOs to create their marketing groove is the theme of this issue. Reading the articles from our wonderful Rockstar CMOs and their bandmates, it’s clear that the best marketing tune is a big band sound, not a solo or duet.
But don’t think we are going all Glen Miller big band with our classic album, as we dipped into the record box and pulled out the Funkadelics, as the title of this classic track and album speaks to what we marketers are trying to achieve, so welcome to The One Nation Under A Groove Issue.
Enjoy this issue!
Ian Truscott
Editor -in-Chief @rockstarcmo | @iantruscott
One nation under a groove
Gettin’ down just for the funk of it
One nation and we’re on the move
Nothin’ can stop us now

The Green Room: Marketing collaborations
Employee Created Content: Found money in the couch cushions of the marketing budget
The Sample: Putting the show together
One piece at a time
“You’ve got a friend” in former employees
Ready to rock?
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