your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
The Life For Rent Issue
October 2020

The title of this issue comes from UK artist Dido and her second album, “Life for rent”. OK, so I may again be stretching the definition of ‘classic’ album, but it was a hot seller back in 2003, and there is a line from a track on the album that speaks to the theme of this issue.
And the theme of this issue is the decision marketers need to make about building an audience on ‘rented’ land, like social media platforms, Medium and LinkedIn, or take the long road of building an owned digital channel.
The inspirational lyric:
But if my life is for rent and I don’t learn to buy
Life for Rent – Dido
Well, I deserve nothing more than I get
’cause nothing I have is truly mine
See what I mean with that lyric?
If you are building a brand on someone else’s platform; nothing you have is truly yours.
We have some fantastic insight from our house band of marketing writers and CMOs, plus we spin the dial on the interwebs for The Sample and get some different views on the rent vs. build conundrum.
Ian Truscott
Editor, Rockstar CMO
Rent or build? Ask Quibi
Rent or Build? Finding a happy medium
Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday – but never jam today
Rent or build? Hedge your digital property bets
The Green Room: Rent or Build?
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