your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
How do you stay true to your marketing musical roots, keep in tune with your strategy, deliver on the business baseline and not lose your soul?
This is the theme for this month, how do marketers stay focused on strategy and not get caught up or distracted by the latest marketing fads, fashions, ninjas, hackers and the choice of 3,500 Martech doohickeys the vendors would have us believe we can’t live without?
We dived deep into the record box and pulled out Lyn Collins Think (About It) from 1972 as our theme tune from her debut album of the same name. You may not think you have heard it, but you probably have, it’s one of the most sampled songs of all time with over 40 other artists feeling the vibe and a string of covers – that’s quite a reach, so feel free to do the same, sample and share what our Rockstars are dropping here.
Welcome to The Think About It Issue!
So from now on, we gonna use
What we got to get what we wantSo, you’d better think, think
Now’s the time when we have
That’s the thing I never will forgetLyn Collins – Think (About It)
The Green Room: Sticking to a Tune in a World of Jazz
Who are you?
The 4 Ps Give Way to Simplicity Along The New Path to Purchase
Tales from the Tour Bus: Punk CX with Adrian Swinscoe
The Old CMO Runaround
Ready to rock?
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