your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
OK, so it’s not entirely lost on us that there is some irony that as we step into 2020, a year that many people think sounds a bit sci-fi, that we’ve picked a classic album by The Doors to inspire the title of this issue. After all, the tracks from this album hit the charts before almost all of our contributors were born. But who can deny that many of the tracks on The Future Starts Here are classics?
Anyway, aside from its classic stature we’ve plucked it from the dusty corner of the record box as the title sums up the mood of the issue, as our Rockstar CMO’s and contributors cast their eyes to what 2020 and beyond will mean for marketing.
So, welcome to The Future Starts Here Issue.
Ian Truscott
Editor -in-Chief @rockstarcmo | @iantruscott
The time to hesitate is through
Light My Fire, The Doors
No time to wallow in the mire

The Green Room: 2020 future vision
The Sample #3: 2020 marketing predictions from around the web
Happy employees = happy customers
adnonamau5: New Year’s resolutions for agency leaders
Never mind 2020, what about 2060?
Ready to rock?
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