your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
In a break from the norm, this issue has not been named after a classic album. ‘Features Creatures’ by Björk is neither a classic (yet) or an album, but the title of this eccentric track nails the theme for this issue as we look at the relationship between marketing and product development.
Read on for the normal dose of straight-talking, keen observations and shared experiences. Our rockstars share how the features creatures in the product team need a little help from their friends in marketing, the role of product marketing, a wonderful backstage interview and a note from adnanamau5, the anonymous advertiser, we found tied to a brick in reception. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Features Creatures issue.
Ian Truscott
Editor -in-Chief @rockstarcmo | @iantruscott
Isn’t it odd?
Feature Creatures – Björk
Isn’t it peculiar?
These statistics of my mind
Shuffling your features
Assembling a man

Backstage with Oliver Pilgerstorfer
Modern product marketers: Roadies or rockstars?
When product and marketing collide
The Green Room: Marketers and the features creatures
When should product development call marketing? How soon is now?
Ready to rock?
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