This month our trip to the Rockstar CMO penthouse balcony overlooking the swimming pool is inspired by business development expert and coach Caroline Kay, as we dangle “a marketer that wants to be your friend” over the railings, ready to drop it to its watery demise.

The Rockstar CMO Swimming Pool, inspired by the hedonistic behavior of the fabulous old rockstars (like Keith Richards parking his car in his pool). Except we don’t just chuck anything in there, our pool is the portal to hell for all the snake oil, bullshit, and, you know, that stuff our wonderful industry would be better rid of. Consider it a service we provide to our Backstage Q&A and Podcast guests, to get this stuff off their chests.
This month our candidate for the Swimming Pool might seem a little familiar. Last month we chucked “LinkedIn Solicitations Like You’re My Best Friend” aided and abetted by Jane Scandurra. But, I think this suggestion from a business development expert and coach Caroline Kay, that she shared with us in our podcast chat, is different enough and on point for the theme of this month’s issue – the blurred line between our personal and professional lives.
Specifically, Caroline is tired of the automated chumminess, especially via social media and the blurring the lines of work and personal with a sales approach that gets overly familiar with sharing life stories, like it’s a coffee and a chat.
As Caroline points out, that’s not what she wants. As a consumer Caroline wants to know how a brand inspires us, how the product will solve her problem, to tell us “the fast way to get out of dodge” not dwell on her past data and use that to try and be her friend and recommend irrelevant products.
Caroline goes on to passionately describe what does work, that it’s our job as marketers to inspire. The swimming pool question came at the end of a fabulous conversation, which you can hear in full below or on your favorite podcast platform.
We agree, so that marketer, the one that wants to be your friend just splashed into the deep end. And, based on the data we’ve recommend water wings, a snorkel, a guide to hell for dummies, and a Jamie Oliver Flavor Shaker (you know, because you bought one for your Mum once).
[buzzsprout episode=’4709228′ player=’true’]
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Caroline Kay is a Business and Success Coach that works with creative and service-led business owners to grow fast so that they can make a bigger impact on the world. Caroline has devised business development strategies for the world’s biggest brands and creative agencies, she now lives in Italy and runs her coaching business from London, York and Rome.
Image of Swimming Pool this mont is by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash
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