your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
We have most definitely nailed the classic album, as we drop Michael Jackson’s 1982 classic Thriller onto the turntable here at the Rockstar CMO digs. And we definitely “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’” for this Halloween special.
Ted Rubin dishes out his usual tricks and treats this month, we’ve chucked a doozy into the swimming pool, and we go backstage with Jeanniey Mullen, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Mercer.
We unearth dead marketing strategies, tackle the zombies that are eating our audience, ask if virtual reality is trick or treat, grab our pitchforks and prepare for the Frankenstack, and wonder what happened to the graveyard smash that was the flash mob.
A standard Halloween night for us here and as we chew over the mountain of gummy bears that Jeanniey left in the office, we consider brand experiences that are keeping it real.
On Halloween night, you have to be careful about what’s been left in your mail box, but we are also very excited to have received our first review!
I hope you enjoy this issue!
The Editor
Into the Pool #8: The Crap Other Marketers on the Internet Tell Me to Do
Backstage with Jeanniey Mullen
Fantasy Land
Grab Your Torches and Pitchforks Folks, it’s Frankenstack!
The Five Main Challenges Facing CMOs Today
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