your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge



In this era of fake news and a cynical, connected consumer wary of the lies, authenticity is a hot marketing topic. And that’s the theme for this month’s issue.We’ve picked an absolute class album as its soundtrack, featuring the single ‘Come As You Are’. It has to be Nevermind by Nirvana.

One of our regulars Robert Rose – who is the don of content marketing – sets the tone by suggesting that Trust in the Story Starts With the Storyteller; Dave Waller pokes fun at cynical marketers selling authenticity as Even Better Than the Real Thing; Amie Knights gets her hands dirty with real things as she researches the popularity of the artisan; while Gareth May reckons the antidote the consumer is looking for in all this craziness is brand ethics.

Our resident Rockstar, Ted Rubin, continues to tell it straight in his crusade to save retail, shining the spotlight on the relationship between employers and their teams – a theme picked up by John Andrews, who underlines the importance of employees in telling this authentic story.

We go backstage this month with a duet of Rockstar CMOs: Amber Osborne (@missdistructo herself), and Wendy Bryant-Beswick – who you’ll discover starts her Monday with a rock classic.

I hope you enjoy this fantastic issue.

The Editor

“Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend”


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Reach Out and Touch

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