Aside from finding the original vinyl copy of Once Upon a Time in Shaolin by The Wu Tang Clan (the most expensive record every sold according to HMV) under the Rockstar CMO penthouse Christmas tree, some of the best gifts are are books.
The fine gentleman of Beehive are giving away copies of their wonderful observation on marketing ‘How to Avoid Brand Bullshit’
Yes, you had us at the title (we are banned by Twitter from paid promotion of our tweets as we said “bollocks” once… or twice), but trust us, the pithy content is exactly what this industry needs, as Keith Smith, the Advertist shares…
If the three founding partners at Beehive were likened to a band, it would have to be a supergroup.
Like what most of these epic collaborations have done for the music industry, Martin Galton, Greg Jordan and Tim Hollins’ roots in the creative industry have had seismic effects on where it is now.
Galton is a magnet for creative awards, having picked up over 120 global gongs for his creative direction. He’s also a poet and when he’s not coming up with alliterative couplets, he’s running his creative oasis – Beehive.
Jordan is a celluloid sensei. His knowledge of working in film and TV is unparalleled. From Hollywood to Hoxton, Jordan’s canny production skills have earned him cult status in the ad world.
Hollins’ brand planning expertise and ability to simplify means he’s in demand for brand consulting coaching all around the world.
Together, they represent an awesomely knowledgeable and seasoned triumvirate that has the power to make the jargon and complication go away and say something original.
So it behooves every CMO reading this to take responsibility for owning their own copy of The Beehive team’s creative compendium – How to Avoid Brand Bullshit, a no-nonsense guide to branding. Like modern-day lightermen, Galton, Jordan and Hollins will help you steer your brand ship through today’s acronym-riddled, jargon-infested marketing waters.

Rather wonderfully, I’ve got copies of this book to give away free (well for the price of a few keystrokes anyway). But more of that later, allow me to whet your appetite further.
This book is a must-read for brand managers, offering quick reference bon mots that will help any modern brand-savvy manager filter out the white noise and hone in on the perfect pitch. But it’s more than that. It’s a general guide to running a business too. In today’s marketing-driven business world, there’s something for everyone. There are innovative ideas you may not have thought about and there are neat aphorisms that you need to be reminded about.

How to Avoid Brand Bullshit is a stripped-down, full of wisdom, no-nonsense book to help businesses and brands. It’s a pocket-sized toolbox, designed to be practical. It’s also been art directed by the legendary Paul Belford, who has commanded the creative wellspring of agencies such as TBWA, Ogilvy and AMV BBDO, to name but a few.
The book simply breaks down the subject of ‘Brand’ into its four main components: The Brand thing, the Communication thing, the Creative thing and the Production thing. Each section is seasoned with the essence of each “thing”, allowing the reader to shoot their particular brand issue through the prism of our elders, betters and wisers.
Simply put, Galton, Jordan and Hollins run a factory that makes creative things whose buyers are agencies and in-house brand teams seeking the exceptional. When their advice is given, it’s worth lending your ear.
And because they are fans of RockstarCMO and all that it stands for, we’ve got 5 signed copies of the book to give to the first readers who tweet this article with the hashtag #avoidbrandbullshit.
It’s the ideal stocking filler for the CMO in your life – even if it’s for you, so give this article some Twitter love and let the wisdom rain!
As we got to press, publication (on Amazon) is two weeks away, right now the only way to get hold of the book is directly from the guys at Beehive (contact details on their website) or by being the first 5 that tweet with the hashtag: #avoidbrandbullshit
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