your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge
JUNE 2019
History will judge whether “Invasion of Privacy” by Cardi B is a genuinely classic album, but it’s our selection this month as the title definitely catches the mood of what history will be judging marketing on today. With increasing legislation, consumer awareness and a chunk of our audience choosing to reject cookies, block ads and go dark with their browsing.
Tim “Beg Data” Walters sets the tone as we interview him on the current state of GDPR and privacy. Our regular contributor Morag Cuddeford-Jones has a warning for anyone wanting her data (to get out of the bloody way!). Rachel Miller returns to give us her insight on what this means for social media marketing. And it’s the topic of discussion in The Green Room as we ponder if we are afraid of the dark.
Plus, we have all the usual shenanigans, David Howland inspires us to chuck the dumb, creepy kind of personalization into the Rockstar CMO Swimming Pool. We jump on the tour bus twice, once with VR evangelist and serial startup CMO Amber Osborne and again with Richard Shotton, who has written one of our favorite marketing books: The Choice Factory. Our anonymous adman adnonamau5 is tired of “experts” (you know the ones) and of course our resident Rockstar CMO Ted Rubin tells it straight.
Welcome to The Invasion of Privacy Issue
The Green Room: Are we afraid of the dark?
Drop the Vanity, it’s Time for Action, Not Eyeballs
Take my data, just get out of my bloody way!
Into the Pool #15: The Dumb, Creepy Kind
The Risky Business of Rockstar Marketers and Their Briefs
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