your monthly hit of marketing street knowledge



We have to be honest, there are not many people that would argue that Running In Circles by The Influencers is a classic album, but the buzz around the Rockstar CMO penthouse this month is influencer marketing, so not only is the name of their band on point, but so is the story of how this band gained a following (according to their website):

They struck gold when Youtuber Danny Casale (Coolman Coffee Dan) debuted Running In Circles on his channel, giving the band the exposure they had been looking for. Within hours of the video upload, hundreds of fans found the two albums on streaming platforms and overnight The Influencers had a following.

Yes, The Influencers got their break from an influencer!

Whether you are selling music, cosmetics or enterprise business software we’ve all been caught up in the hype. But, is it losing its luster after all the reported fakery? Or, is it still something we need to keep paying attention to?

So, we asked our Rockstar community what they thought of the current state of influencer marketing and this issue is the result.

Welcome to The Running in Circles Issue


Ian Truscott

Editor -in-Chief @rockstarcmo | @iantruscott

The Green Room: The State of Influence

Again we’ve grabbed the backstage pass to our Rockstar CMO’s, hang out in the Green Room and pick over the topic of the month. In this issue, we discuss the current state of influencer marketing…
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Into the Pool #20: Marketing can’t be measured

This month we are hanging over the balcony with Acquia CMO Lynne Capozzi, who nominated “marketing can’t be measured” for the drop from the penthouse to splashdown into the portal to our special place in marketing hell…
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Get T-shaped or Die like T-Rex

Like the legendary DJ Deadmau5, our agency insider dons a mask and reveals the backstage secrets of big agencies. In this issue, he’s got a warning for T-Rex, not the legendary glam rock band, but the agency dinosaurs…
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Five favorite influencer mistakes

Sheryl Crowe once lamented about her favorite mistake, but content marketing writer Dennis Shiao in “no fool to this game” as he shares his top 5 favorite influencer mistakes…
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The Sample: Under the influence

The Sample, where we whirl the dial on the interwebs, hit record and sample what we hear. The topic of this issue is Influencer Marketing and here are some of the best beats we’ve picked up this month…
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