It’s a shorter show this week, as it’s just Jeff and Ian, as Robert was on a plane and not in the bar. Jeff picks a hot topic as he drops the mic on his contributions to the podcast this year before he goes off on his holiday break: 5 reasons why CMOs get fired. 

Jeff crosses the aisle from Forrester to Gartner as he is inspired by a LinkedIn post by Chris Ross, Vice President and Analyst at Gartner for CMOs / Marketing, who shares some recent Gartner research of C suite executives into “Which scenarios would most likely lead to the removal of your CMO from their role”. 

Jeff and Ian discuss:

  1. CMO failed to deliver promised results from marketing strategy 
  2. CMO failed to adapt to vital, significant changes in the business or marketplace 
  3. CMO did not earn the respect of senior executive leadership team 
  4. CMO did poor job communicating a strategic function for marketing function 
  5. CMO failed to communicate how marketing metrics relate to business priorities

And they share their tips on how to avoid these pitfalls.


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