Every month our number roadie takes a look at the last 90 days of data and we assemble the 10 most popular articles to give you a flavor of what’s hot here.

A greatest hits compilation

Managing the shift from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to FOGO (Fear of Going Out)

In this article Jane Scandurra, global marketing consultant and coach, suggests a path of sensitivity and empathy for addressing consumers whose behaviour may have been irrevocably changed by the current crisis…
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Beware the Risks of Arrogance and Pride in Business

Buzzing off those results you secured for your company? Feeling confident? Maybe even a little self-important? Time to check yourself, says Ted Rubin. …
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Post-pandemic personal branding: Turn it up to eleven

Personal branding expert Jane Scandurra shares 3 tips to turn your personal brand up to 11, to avoid being “out of sight, out of mind” in the wake of the current pandemic…
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Backstage Q&A – Eric Jan van Putten – Dynamicweb

This month we go backstage with a shiny new CMO, Eric Jan van Putten who is fresh in post at Dynamicweb, after a diverse marketing career working through the B2B tech marketing ranks, we find out d findwhere this new CMO finds his marketing mojo…
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Backstage with Kate Bradley Chernis

In this backstage interview we find out how founder and CEO of Lately, Kate Bradley Chernis, a former DJ with an audience of 20 million listeners got Walmart dancing…
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The Times They Are A-Changin’

This month we asked Ted Rubin: Do good marketers need a formal marketing education? His reply is, as ever, straight-talking, insightful and to the point. As times change you need to be open to it and have the passion…
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Better products, better marketing, better listen

Our resident Rockstar CMO Ted Rubin tells it straight. If you want better products and better marketing then you had better listen, not just to Ted, but to your customers and in the age of socially connected communities, who better to do this than marketing?…
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The magic marketer’s potion: An educated mind and attitudinal skills

A debate is raging around whether it’s requisite for marketers to have a marketing degree. Does a marketing degree create a better marketer? Jasmine Martirossian, PhD, is the Vice President of Marketing at TÜV SÜD Americas, gives us her take…
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Backstage Q&A – Sally Yates, CMO Xceptor

Sally Yates is the Chief Marketing Officer at Xceptor, a fintech software house and in this interview, Ian Truscott got to find out what makes this UK based marketer in this hot software space tick…
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Nothing blurry when you walk the talk

If you follow Kate Bradley Chernis, Co-Founder & CEO of Lately, an A.I. powered social media marketing platform, you’ll know her as an extremely passionate entrepreneur that she puts it all out there. So who better to ask about the blur between home, work, and social?…
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