Welcome to The Sample, where we whirl the dial on the interwebs, hit record and sample what we hear. In this issue, we are looking to the future, so our picks this month are predictions on some of the topics we’ve covered in recent issues. Let’s find out what everyone else is expecting from 2020…

Marketing technology is something we keep returning to at Rockstar CMO. It creeps into a lot of our discussions and we have a whole section on the topic (The Martech Mix Desk). This prediction for 2020 came earlier in the year from Anand Thaker on Martech Today.

What I like about this is that Anand suggests we slow down, focus on the people and how can tech can enable collaboration – even when he discusses automation, he refers to the humans:
Read on: Martech in 2020: Agility, operations and decisioning are vital to success
Influencer marketing

We dedicated The Running in Circles Issue to influencer marketing, as it’s been a hot topic for our community. For predictions for 2020 we’ve picked an article on Forbes from Tom Ward, host of the Under The Influence YouTube channel. While articles on Forbes are drowned in ads and pop-ups, click them away and enjoy this, as Tom chats to B2C influencers and industry insider and gets their opinion on what’s in store for 2020:
Read on: The Influencer Marketing Trends That Are Coming In 2020
Employee engagement
As we discuss in The Employee Amplification section, we recognize that marketing starts at home, our colleagues and employees are not just the first line in the customer experience that really defines the brand, but are also an often neglected audience for amplification and influence.
In his annual predictions article on LinkedIn, Dan Schawbel, New York Times Bestselling Author, shares some interesting workplace trends that are very relevant for marketers – the aging workforce (maybe we should stop focusing on millennials in B2B), the rise of voice and the need for soft skills like creativity, communication and empathy that marketers are strong in. There is plenty to dig into in this excellent article:
Read on: The Top 10 Workplace Trends For 2020

Pretty much whatever you are marketing, whether it’s B2B or B2C your audience is broadening and becoming more diverse and being inclusive is not just the right thing to do socially and creatively, but it’s a marketing opportunity.
We dedicated a whole issue to the topic. In this, our next selected predictions article, staffing company Randstad shares some research-based predictions for the future of the workplace, including D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) that underline the need to have D&I in your marketing plans:
Read on: D&I impact is business impact

This was a hot topic for us in 2019 and when it comes to privacy, the future is probably already here, or at least if you are reading this after 1st January the Californian CCPA laws will already be in effect.
That’s not to say that the CCPA laws are the only piece of the privacy puzzle. I think there are going to be some interesting changes in our relationship with our data as we become more aware of its value.
This article isn’t really a prediction, but if you are new to CCPA, here is a quick primer from The Content Advisory’s privacy expert Tim Walters from earlier in the year:
Read on: The CCPA Will Be the National Data Privacy Standard. Here’s Why
So, there we are, five solid predictions on some of the things we care about here on Rockstar CMO. If you see something you think we should be spinning our interwebs dial to, let us know, Tweet us or comment.
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