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Or check out these great articles:

240: The Giving a Shit About B2B Marketing with Cathy and Robert Episode

This week, Cathy is in the studio and discusses marketing mediocrity, and Robert is in the bar, encouraging us all to give a shit over a cocktail…

239: Special Episode – Business Podcasting – Eavesdropping on Keith Smith and Jason Falls

A special mid-week episode featuring snippets from a wonderful conversation on the Fuel Podcast between Keith Smith of the Advertist and Winfluence author Jason Falls…

238: The 5 Fundamentals of Buyers’ Journeys and Careers over a Cocktail Episode

This week Jeff shares his 5 Fundamentals of Buyers’ Journeys, and over a cocktail, Robert shares his take on some recent research into marketing careers…

237: The 5 Steps to Making Campaigns and Experiments in Notebook LM Episode

This week Jeff is back and sharing his 5 steps for launching integrated marketing campaigns, and over a cocktail, Robert shares his experiments with Notebook LM…

236: The Cathy Does Conferences, and Robert Doesn’t do the Obvious Episode

Cathy McKnight pops into the studio to discuss Dreamforce, MAICON and current state of marketing jobs, and Robert Rose is in the virtual bar talking about why the obvious solution is not the obvious…

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