Amber Osborne inspires Ian Truscott this month, as she tires of some of the crap marketing advice that’s being hawked across the internet. Think they’re wrong? Let us know.

It’s Halloween, things are getting a bit out of hand and oh yes, we are going there. Inspired by Doghead Simulations CMO Amber Osborne and her fantastic Backstage Q&A, we are practically throwing ourselves in the pool as we shove “80% of the crap that other marketers on the internet tell me I have to do” off the hotel balcony – well, once Amber is done with the karaoke.
It’s hard to be in marketing and not to feel the anxiety and social pressure that a quick saunter through LinkedIn, Twitter or even your email box can bring, as seemingly each tweet, update and unsolicited sales email suggests that YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG and here are the top five, seven or 10 things you SHOULD be doing now.
Marketing as a craft is a messy, ever-changing, inexact bundle of art, science, inspiration and gut feel that, probably more than any other business discipline, is open for interpretation, opinion and commentary. It’s also something that everyone has an opinion on and it’s seemingly easy for anyone, however experienced or qualified, to cobble together a listicle or 500 words of what we really need to be doing right now.
“Marketing as a craft is a messy, ever-changing, inexact bundle of art, science, inspiration and gut feel that, probably more than any other business discipline, is open for interpretation, opinion and commentary.”
And yet we marketers, by nature, are sharers. And some days you feel that the internet is this wondrous portal to all the world’s marketing knowledge – it’s just a shame we have to sift through a lot of crap to find it.
“I don’t listen to 80% of the crap that other marketers on the internet tell me I have to do”

“I don’t listen to 80% of the crap that other marketers on the internet tell me I have to do,” said Amber in her Backstage interview. “It is great to learn and try out things, but use the processes that work best for your company.”
I agree with Amber; marketing is an agile discipline. We must constantly try stuff, fail fast and move on to the next thing – learning what works for our business in the market conditions of now.
And, I gotta say that’s part of the reason we started Rockstar CMO – so we could filter out some of this crap and hear from some folks, like Amber, that know their shit.
Of course, like the old saying from John Wanamaker that “half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half”, it’s going to be a struggle for us to know which 80% of “the crap that other marketers on the internet tell me I have to do” has got to go splash, and which stays dry here in our penthouse suite – but we are giving it a go!
Don’t agree? Let us know what you’d throw into our Rockstar CMO swimming pool.
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