Some rockstars have a bad reputation for not following the rules, but nobody wants their marketing buzz killed by spam. We will only use the data shared on this website and described here for the purposes of the Rockstar CMO online publication and newsletter.

Information we collect

Like most websites we will gather non personally identifiable data through website analytics about the pages you access, the device you are using, approximate location and referral information (how you found us).

When you register to receive our newsletter, we will collect your email address and maybe a few other details to make the experience more friendly, like your name.

Sharing information

We will not share (or sell!) your information with anyone, including our sponsors and partners, but it would be great if you could click on their ads!

Contacting you

Firstly, we will contact you to confirm your subscription. If you opt in to our communications we will send you a periodic newsletter that shares the latest news from Rockstar CMO which may contain promotional material from our partners.


We may offer you optional cookies, in order to use the full functionality our website, help us remember you and to make stuff simpler.